Han Wei, Theric shine in Taklimakan Rally's longest stage-Xinhua

Han Wei, Theric shine in Taklimakan Rally's longest stage

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2024-05-25 21:40:30

URUMQI, May 25 (Xinhua) -- With the Taklimakan Rally approaching its halfway mark, racers Han Wei and Neels Theric showcased their skills on Saturday's "marathon stage".

Spanning approximately 373 kilometers, the fourth special stage (SS4) marked the longest stage of the rally held in China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Competitors traversed the Taklimakan Desert from west to east, posing a significant challenge to the endurance and stability of both racers and vehicles.

Several drivers found their rhythm. Han crossed the line first, followed by Fan Gaoxiang from Hebei Qian'an Jiujiang Auto and Motorcycle Sports Club.

"We were fortunate that the vehicle did not encounter any issues, and we made no mistakes, ultimately completing the stage successfully," Fan said.

In the motorcycle category, the Kove club dominated this stage, with French rider Neels Theric crossing the finish line first ahead of teammate Deng Liansong.

"The overall rhythm today was fantastic. Despite the long stage, both the vehicle and me were in good condition, making for a smooth run," said Deng.

The rally will welcome its fifth special stage (SS5), spanning over 288 kilometers in Hotan Prefecture on Sunday.